Your Career, Your Team, Your Company

Your Way.

Individual Training & Coaching

Individual Training & Coaching

Personalize it.

You want to be a more effective leader. You are focused on accelerating your career. You want personalized results. You want dedicated attention and answers to specific leadership dilemmas. You could feel stuck in your career or feel as if you aren’t being taken seriously. Perhaps you have been given specific feedback that you want expert help to implement or perhaps, you feel that the feedback isn’t applicable and you need to understand how to address it. You want a career strategist and personal career coaching.

Team & Small Group Training

Team & Small Group Training

Build your team.

It all begins with the drive to do more and be better with each passing day. Maybe you have a team of people that are new in their careers and you want to help them learn some critical skills for their career. Maybe you have a team that has to work in a highly stressful environment and they are dealing with burn-out. Perhaps you have a team of people that are senior level managers and individual contributors and you are looking for the most effective ways to get them excited about their jobs again. Whatever it is, Executive-U has the solution and we can make the difference.

Large Group Training and Public Speaking

Large Group Training and Public Speaking

Energize your company.

Your department or company needs a boost. You will always have a mix of employees where some are suffering from burn-out working alongside others that are absolutely ecstatic about the opportunities to make a difference. Changes in company operating rhythms, leadership reporting structures, and other strategic changes can take a toll on a company culture. The most effective way to make a radical shift in culture is to generate a shared positive experience. Let’s get your company back on the same page and excited about your mission once again.